Mccollum Statement On Reported Draft Supreme Court Decision To Overturn Roe V. Wade


Congresswoman Betty McCollum (MN-04) released the following statement today:

"The leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion that strikes down Roe v. Wade and would deny a woman the constitutional protection to reproductive health care is an assault on all women. If this in fact is the court's decision, women in America will continue to be treated as second class citizens. Their reproductive choices will be dictated by Republican lawmakers, not decided by themselves in consultation with a health care provider. Make no mistake: the Trump Supreme Court and Republicans in Congress and state legislatures are using their vast power to impose their authoritarian agenda to deny the freedom of women to make their own health care decisions.

"The far-reaching implications of this draft opinion are incredibly ominous for the future of our nation. Justice Alito's warped and twisted reasoning in this draft will all but destroy stare decisis. This sets new precedent that will have a chilling effect on basic freedoms, from civil rights and voting rights to marriage equality and protections for marginalized communities. The Trump Court has made it clear that rights, freedoms, and justice can be rolled back to target any group, anywhere, at any time.

"States are now on the forefront of this battle. Because of GOP-led legislatures and governors, nearly half of our states have trigger laws in place that will make abortion illegal immediately following this decision. In Minnesota, Gov. Walz and Lt. Gov. Flanagan are committed to protecting women's reproductive rights. With the governor's race and state legislature on the ballot in November, protecting women and our reproductive freedom is squarely in the hands of Minnesotans.

"As a young woman, and now a member of Congress, I've been fighting for the Equal Rights Amendment as well as the Women's Health Protection Act to enshrine the rights of women and the right to choose. I know what it is like to fight for, and fail to secure, a constitutional right to equality for women in the U.S. Constitution. But the battle continues. Remember this day, and use it as fuel for action. From every state house to the White House, we must elect leaders who will protect the basic human rights of everyone--rights that this court is now poised to take away from us. I will continue working every day to secure and defend basic human rights for all. Now is not the time to hope for a better outcome, but to work together to deliver that change for equal protection under the law."
