Cole Remembers Oklahoma City Bombing on 27th Anniversary


By: Tom Cole
By: Tom Cole
Date: April 19, 2022
Location: Moore, OK

"Even after 27 years, Oklahomans still remember the pain and suffering and mourn the 168 lives innocently and senselessly lost on April 19, 1995," said Cole. "Although this unconscionable act of terror forever changed our lives and left lasting holes in our communities, Oklahomans shined triumphantly and showed the world that evil will never overcome good and decency. I will always be grateful for the sacrifices, courage and dedication of the first responders and the support from communities and civilians across the nation. Today, we remember those we lost, honor those who were up to the task to help us through it and remain grateful that we live in the greatest, freest, most compassionate country in the world."
