Graves is Stamping Out Nutria


Date: March 8, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Congressman Garret Graves (South Louisiana) introduced bipartisan legislation that would direct the United States Postal Service to issue a "Combating Invasive Species Semipostal Stamp." The net proceeds from the sale of this stamp would be directed to the United States Department of Agriculture and the United States Department of the Interior for programs that combat invasive species such as nutria.

"Every chance we can take to protect our communities -- before a storm rather than after the fact -- is the right investment. And nutria eradication is another tool at our disposal. In the last few months, we've increased funding for the nutria bounty program, we're fighting legislation that would ban nutria trapping, and now we're pushing this bipartisan legislation to give all Louisianians an opportunity to stamp out nutria with us. We will keep finding creative ways to eradicate this invasive species," Graves said.
