Carl Joins Colleagues in Condemning JCPOA Reboot Attempt and IRGC Terrorism


Date: March 22, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Today, U.S. Representative Jerry Carl (R-AL) issued the following statement regarding a resolution he and his Republican Study Colleagues introduced condemning the Biden administration's attempts to re-join the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran, the world's largest state sponsor of terror, through negotiations mediated by Russia.

Renewing the terrible Iran nuclear agreement would be a gift to terrorists and would give Iran the ability to continue developing nuclear weapons. This puts Israel, as well as our allies in the Middle East, in grave danger. We cannot allow this to happen.

The United States should use a "peace-through-strength" posture to negotiate with our adversaries, and we should never allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Instead, President Biden is allowing Russia to negotiate with Iran and make the world less safe. This is another example of President Biden showing weakness on the world stage. As a result, Israel and our allies in the Middle East will ultimately suffer.

This resolution is led by Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Banks and RSC National Security and Foreign Affairs Task Force Chari Joe Wilson. It has 50 original cosponsors.

Last April, Congressman Carl joined more than 120 colleagues on the Maximum Pressure Act, which would make permanent the Trump administration's bold and successful pressure campaign on Iran. It was the toughest sanctions bill ever proposed by Congress.
