Bradley Supports Strengthening America's Communities

Date: March 8, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

Legislation passed by the House today will protect safety of children, judges, law enforcement personnel

(Washington, D.C.) - Today, First District Congressman Jeb Bradley supported legislation that will help to protect our children from sex offenders, secure the safety of judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers and their family members, and combat gang violence. H.R. 4472, the Children's Safety and Violent Crime Reduction Act, passed the House of Representatives by voice vote earlier today and now heads to the Senate for consideration.

"Of the more than 500,000 convicted sex offenders living in the United States today, approximately 150,000 of them are missing. Sadly, too many sex offenders have been able to skirt registration requirements," stated Bradley. "By strengthening our sex offender registry, we can better track offenders and hopefully prevent future terrible crimes against children from occurring."
