Congressman Lamborn Commends Admiral Gilday for Removing CRT from Navy's Professional Reading Program List


Date: May 19, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

On May 5th, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Mike Gilday released the Navy's Professional Reading Program list for 2022 which removed several divisive books that sparked outrage among Republican lawmakers last year. The removed books deviated from the Navy's core missions and embraced critical race theory and extreme positions on sexual orientation.

Congressman Lamborn, Ranking Member of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee issued the following statement:

"I commend Admiral Gilday for removing these toxic books from the Navy's recommended reading list, specifically, "How to Be an Antiracist' by Ibram X. Kendi, as well as "Sexual Minorities and Politics: An Introduction' by Jason Pierceson and "The New Jim Crow' by Michelle Alexander. Following my previous condemnation of this list, I am pleased that a year later the U.S. Navy has halted their movement towards divisive, un-American, and false social theories. Critical Race Theory has no place in our military or service academies, or any place in the military, and I will continue to speak out against attempts to incorporate it."

In March of 2021, Congressman Lamborn and Congresswoman Hartzler sent a letter to Adm. Michael Gilday expressing concern about the inclusion of several divisive and unpatriotic books included on the Chief of Naval Operations Professional Reading Program (CNO-PRP) reading list.

Later, in May of 2021, Congressman Lamborn expressed his concern regarding the Navy's proposed reading list at a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the Navy's 2022 budget request.

In July, Congressman Lamborn condemned the teaching of critical race theory, a form of Marxism, at the United States Air Force Academy after an Associate Professor published an op-Ed advocating for the curriculum. He also led a letter to then Acting Secretary Roth and General Raymond regarding their treatment of Space Force Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier.
