Gov. Kemp Signs Legislation to Protect Freedom of Speech on Public Higher Education Campuses

Press Release

Date: May 3, 2022
Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Today, Governor Brian P. Kemp signed HB 1 (the Forming Open and Robust University Minds Act) into law, which secures freedom of speech on Georgia's university and technical college system campuses by preventing the creation or elimination of any existing "Free Speech Zones" and designating all unrestricted outdoor areas of campus as public forums.

"Freedom of expression is one of this great nation's fundamental liberties," said Governor Kemp. "Here in Georgia, we will protect those rights and that which is appropriate for any place of higher learning -- the ability to learn of different ideas.

"I want to thank the sponsors of this bill, especially Representative Josh Bonner and Senator Bruce Thompson, who worked so hard to get it over the finish line. I also want to thank the men and women in the General Assembly who gave this bill bipartisan support to defend freedom of speech across the 158 USG and TCSG campuses in our state."
