Governor Walz Goes Ice Fishing, Visits Outdoor Recreation Business to Promote Minnesota Tourism Economy

Press Release

By: Tim Walz
By: Tim Walz
Date: Feb. 19, 2022
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota

Yesterday, Governor Tim Walz toured the Clam Corporation, a Minnesota-based ice fishing and outdoor apparel manufacturer in Rogers before going ice fishing to promote Minnesota's tourism economy and one of Minnesota's most profitable and beloved winter outdoor sports. The Governor Was accompanied by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Commissioner Sarah Strommen, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Commissioner Steve Grove, and Minnesota fishing guide and Clam shelter inventor Dave Genz.

"Ice fishing is a way of life for so many Minnesotans and is a huge part of our state's outdoor recreation industry," said Governor Walz. "I want to thank the Minnesota's Department of Natural Resources and Department of Employment and Economic Development for continuing to make Minnesota a tourist destination for great fishing. We are committed to preserving our natural resources and expanding this industry so more Minnesotans can enjoy this tradition for years to come. I encourage all Minnesotans to get outside and spend some time enjoying the lakes this winter and all year long."

"Minnesota is fortunate to have a strong and passionate State of Fishing. Our warm and cold weather fishing seasons net about 1.8 million anglers and nearly $3 billion in angler spending," said DNR Commissioner Strommen. "Great fishing doesn't just happen. It's the product of field research, scientific management and field work to maintain clean water and healthy habitat. Continued work and investment will support the health of our water, fish, economy, and a great Minnesota tradition."

"Ice fishing -- and fishing more broadly -- is an important part of Minnesota culture as well as our state's economy," said DEED Commissioner Grove. "Every day at DEED, we focus on bringing more people into the labor force -- and for the fishing industry's continued economic contributions, this means having the workforce to support fishing gear manufacturers as well as resorts, outfitters, boat repair shops, and other related businesses."

The Clam Corporation, which hosted the Governor today, has been a leader in the ice fishing industry for more than 30 years by manufacturing portable ice shelters, Ice Armor by Clam apparel, Clam Pro Tackle, and many other ice fishing accessories. The company, based in Rogers, offers fish trap, hub, and ice shelters, as well as baselayer, outer, head, foot, and handwear products to consumers across the globe.

Fishing supports 28,000 jobs in Minnesota and makes a nearly $3 billion dollar economic impact in the state annually, according to the American Sportsfishing Association, through everything from angling-related tourism to the sales of boats and fishing gear. DNR manages 4,500 of Minnesota's 10,000+ lakes and 16,000 miles of fishable streams and rivers through field research, habitat protection and fisheries work. DEED supports workforce development, business financing and other actions to support a healthy business environment in the state.
