Rep. Ted Budd Statement on H.R. 3967: "Honoring Our Pact Act"


By: Ted Budd
By: Ted Budd
Date: March 3, 2022
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Ted Budd (R-NC) released the following statement on the House Democrats' H.R. 3967: "Honoring Our PACT Act":

"Our veterans deserve timely, high quality healthcare after they return home. That's why I enthusiastically supported the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, and the Health Care for Burn Pit Veterans Act, which was the bipartisan bill that the Senate passed last month and represented the quickest way to get veterans the care they need.

"Unfortunately, the PACT Act was a flawed bill that would not resolve the already extensive disability claim backlog without meaningful steps to resolve it. Additionally, the VA has not given any assurance that the increased patient load from the PACT Act would not create long wait times for healthcare. House Democrats had a bipartisan path to help our veterans, and they chose partisanship instead."
