Murkowski Announces Significant Funding for Alaska from Bipartisan Infrastructure Act

Press Release

Date: Jan. 19, 2022
Issues: Infrastructure

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) today announced that as a result of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which she played a lead role in crafting and advancing into law last year, four more projects in Alaska have been selected to receive substantial federal funding.

Today's announcement, which follows last week's announcement of $25 million for the Denali Park Road, includes $250 million for the Port of Nome; $185 million for the Lowell Creek flood diversion project in Seward; $88 million for the Moose Creek Dam Project in North Pole; and $28 million for the Kenai Bluffs Bank Stabilization Project.

"This announcement -- made possible by our bipartisan infrastructure bill -- is worthy of celebration. These projects are real-life, boots-on-the-ground examples of the priorities we addressed through this historic law. I'm proud of our work on it and thrilled by the results it is already producing for our state," said Senator Murkowski. "Each of these infrastructure projects is timely and necessary and will make a difference in our state. They are critical to economic development, America's role in an evolving Arctic, community safety, our response to natural hazards, and more. I thank the administration for joining Alaskans in recognizing the importance of these projects."

Murkowski was a lead author and negotiator of the bipartisan infrastructure package, which became law on November 15, 2021.
