Tweet - "Last night, the House took a step to #EndForcedArbitration of sexual assault and harassment. Our bill will void agreements that silence 60 million workers and many more consumers who are currently denied the freedom to pursue recourse for sexual assault and harassment."

Social Media

Date: Feb. 8, 2022
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Legal

"Last night, the House took a step to #EndForcedArbitration of sexual assault and harassment. Our bill will void agreements that silence 60 million workers and many more consumers who are currently denied the freedom to pursue recourse for sexual assault and harassment.

For too long, Americans who experience sexual harassment or assault in the workplace have been forced into the shadows by arbitration agreements protecting employers from liability & often shielding offenders from accountability. Employers prevail in more than 98% of these cases.

With yesterday's strong, bipartisan vote, the House sent a clear signal to survivors across our nation: you deserve the freedom to seek justice and be heard."

