Governor Walz, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan Statements on Shooting Outside Richfield School


Date: Feb. 1, 2022
Location: St. Paul, MN

Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan released the following statements on today's shooting outside a school in Richfield:

Statement from Governor Walz:

"As a dad, I know that hearing of a shooting by a school is a parent's greatest fear. Minnesotans deserve to know that when they send their kids to school, they will come home safely."

"My prayers are with the students, parents, and teachers whose confidence in that expectation has been shaken today. We need more than words, though -- we need action. We need action to get guns off the streets and prevent violent crime in the first place. I remain committed to working with officials at all levels of government to seek needed change."

"We know that one young person will not come home to their family tonight. My heart breaks that a young life was lost as the result of gunfire."

"Thank you to the police officers and school personnel who rushed to the scene and helped ensure the students' safety."

"We are coordinating with local law enforcement and have offered the assistance of additional state resources as we continue to gather information."

Statement from Lieutenant Governor Flanagan:

"I am devastated by the shooting that occurred outside a Richfield school today. I grieve with the parents, teachers, and community members impacted, and with the kids who lost a member of their school community and were deeply shaken today. Most of all, I grieve for the parents whose child is not coming home. This violence is unacceptable.

"As a mom, my number one priority is my daughter's safety. As Lieutenant Governor, my priority is the safety of every child in Minnesota. It's on us to work together to prevent these tragedies from happening in the first place."
