Governor Mills Announces Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan Grants to 14 School Administrative Units to Expand Access to Pre-K Programs


Date: Jan. 24, 2022

Governor Janet Mills announced today that 14 school administrative units will receive a total of $2.7 million in grant funding from the Maine Department of Education to create or expand Pre-K programs this year.

The grants, which are the first of two rounds from the Governor's Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan, will increase the availability and accessibility of Pre-K for more than 500 children across Maine. A second, $6.3 million round of grants -- making for a total $10 million investment in Pre-K from the Governor's Jobs Plan -- will be awarded later this year for programs beginning in fall 2023.

"Expanding Pre-K and child care opportunities is a major priority for my Administration, which is why it is a focus of my Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan," said Governor Janet Mills. "Pre-K better prepares children for success in school while also helping parents better balance the everyday demands of child care and their jobs -- it's a win-win. I am pleased to award these funds through the Department of Education, and we will continue to work hard to make Pre-K more available and more accessible."
