Carter rejects Democrats' bid to raise federal debt


Date: Dec. 15, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

The House early this morning officially sent a bill to President Biden's desk to raise the debt limit up to nearly $31 trillion. Rep. Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (R-GA) proudly voted against this reckless legislation.

On a nearly party line 221-209 vote, the House advanced S.J. Res 33, which paves the way to funding Washington Democrats' radical tax and spending sprees.

"Do not believe Pelosi, Biden, and Schumers' lies - we did not raise the debt ceiling today to pay the nation's existing debt. They did it so they could fund their socialist infrastructure and build back broke schemes," said Carter. "I fully support the United States following through on its obligations and paying back our debt; but, I do not support Congressional Democrats and the Biden Administration manipulating what should be a bipartisan process to spend trillions of taxpayer dollars that will indebt our children, entrench bureaucracy into Americans' lives, and benefit only the wealthy."
