Casten Statement on Passage of Historic Investment to Combat Climate Crisis, Strengthen Our Economy, and Lower Costs for Illinois Families


Date: Nov. 19, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, U.S. Representative Sean Casten (IL-06) voted to pass the Build Back Better Act, which makes historic investments to meet the urgent needs of Illinois families by creating jobs, cutting taxes, lowering costs, and combating the climate crisis.

In the wake of the pandemic, skyrocketing costs of child care, health care, home- and community-based care, early and higher education, housing, and damage from climate-fueled extreme weather events are hurting families and small businesses across the country.

"I'm proud to have helped ensure the Build Back Better Act will not only make childcare, home care, education, health care more affordable and lower the tax burden--but will also pass the Climate Test by cutting pollution at the speed scientifically necessary to turn this ship around before it's too late," said Rep. Sean Casten. "Today, Democrats passed the largest investment in climate action in American history--and one that will lower folks' energy bills, reinvigorate our economy, and create millions of good-paying union jobs. This is why I ran for Congress--and it's been a privilege to lead my colleagues in ensuring we get this done."

"I'm particularly glad the Build Back Better Act includes tax relief to Illinois families unfairly harmed by the 2017 Republican Tax Scam." continued Casten. "Our bill raises the State and Local Tax (SALT) Deduction upholding the long held principle that citizens shouldn't have to pay taxes twice."
