MSNBC "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Norma Torres


Date: Oct. 20, 2021

O`DONNELL: Joining us now is Democratic Congresswoman Norma Torres of California. She`s a member of the House Rules Committee. She was involved today. So, it was a straight party line vote in the committee. That seems to indicate what will happen in the House tomorrow, with the House, the Republican leadership now recommending that all Republicans vote against the criminal prosecution of Steve Bannon.

REP. NORMA TORRES (D-CA): Yes, it`s good to be with you, Lawrence. It is unfortunate that Republicans continue to play out this political theater. If these two people, these two representatives are the best that they could send to the Rules Committee to try to continue to stop this investigation from moving forward, I think that it really truly shows their colors that they have so much to hide, because their own personal involvement, unfortunately.

O`DONNELL: And so, what do you expect to happen tomorrow, this vote will presumably pass the House with Democratic votes. And then the speaker immediately refers this to the Justice Department.

TORRES: The vote will go out tomorrow, out of the House, it will be a partisan vote, once again, because Republicans refuse to uphold the rule of law or to stand up for democracy. It will go to the Senate where you know, I believe that they will continue to do the same thing. And that`s obstruct justice. They don`t want American voters to cast a vote on any election. That doesn`t please them. It doesn`t result in getting their people elected to office and by their people. I`m talking about Republicans.

And when the people, the voters actually vote for their president and choose their president, I think that the GOP has been very clear about not certifying those results, and to the tune of trying to kill Vice President Pence, threatening all of our lives, and a major violent assault on our U.S. Capitol, something that we have not seen in recent years.

O`DONNELL: Congresswoman Norma Torres, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Really appreciate it.

TORRES: Thank you.
