Governor McKee Announces 'Vaccines are a Grand Slam' Incentive


Date: Nov. 3, 2021
Location: Providence, RI

Governor Dan McKee today announced a new vaccine incentive at the Dunkin' Donuts Center to encourage Rhode Island adults who have not yet been vaccinated against COVID-19 to get their shot.

More than 90 percent of Rhode Islanders age 18 and older are at least partially vaccinated. Rhode Island is second among the 50 states in percentage of the population that is fully vaccinated. In an effort to reach the remaining 10 percent of Rhode Island adults, the Governor, joined by Gene Valicenti and Taco Comfort Solutions Executive Chairman and Owner John Hazen White, Jr. announced the Vaccines are a Grand Slam incentive.

On the heels of a series of memorable Boston Red Sox post-season grand slams, any Rhode Islander 18 or older who gets vaccinated at a pop-up clinic at the Dunkin' Donuts Center on Tuesday, November 2 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. is eligible to receive a Rhode Island Lottery scratch ticket.

"We knew aiming for 90 percent adult vaccination was a lofty goal, but Rhode Islanders rose to the occasion," said Governor McKee. "It's not too late to get vaccinated. Thank you to Taco Comfort Solutions and Dunkin', and the Dunkin' Donuts Center for making the Vaccines are a Grand Slam a reality. It takes great collaboration to continue to vaccinate the Ocean State."

The Governor announced the incentive on Tuesday morning on The News with Gene Valicenti.

"It's exciting that a program we had discussed on the morning show came to fruition in Rhode Island," said Gene Valicenti. "Hopefully, this unique initiative will get more locals vaccinated. Who doesn't want a chance to play a scratch ticket?"

Vaccines Are a Grand Slam was funded by a generous donation from Taco Comfort Solutions.

"Taco has always been known for innovation and getting things done," said Taco Comfort Solutions Executive Chairman and Owner John Hazen White, Jr. "It's meaningful to be able to make a contribution to the State's vaccination efforts. The COVID-19 vaccines have helped keep our staff healthy and at work throughout the recovery efforts."

More information about COVID-19 vaccines is available at
