Issue Position: Fighting for Good Jobs With Fair Wages

Issue Position

There's nowhere in the world with more productive, harder working people than Ohio. But for too many who put in well over a full day's work, it's becoming harder to pay the rent, cover healthcare costs, and take care of their families. Ohio needs an economy that respects working people and allows them to raise their families and build a good life. We need to invest in jobs that can't be outsourced, like energy production and advanced manufacturing. We should create good-paying jobs by making infrastructure investments in transportation, utilities, school buildings, job training, and affordable housing, while making it easier for everybody to commute. We need to do right by Ohio workers who haven't seen a raise in way too long, by increasing the federal minimum wage, and by ensuring tax cuts go to working families instead of the wealthy and well-connected.

Working people -- nurses and doctors, grocery and food workers, teachers, and first responders -- kept our communities together during an especially tough year. Small business owners and their employees keep our neighborhoods feeling like home. Now it's time to have their back. We can't let our recovery be rigged to favor Wall Street while the rest of us are left behind again. We must stand up for small businesses and the 50% of Americans they employ by opposing policies that allow corporations to send jobs overseas, hollow out communities, and leave small businesses struggling to compete. By closing loopholes in our federal tax code, we can make sure that corporations who have done well in Ohio do right by Ohio.

Real freedom is about more than just paying the bills--it's also about having the money and time to nurture and bond with a newborn baby, provide care for a sick or aging loved one, and retire with dignity. We need to look out for each other by expanding paid family leave and increasing affordable child care, especially in our rural communities, where choices are often limited or unaffordable.
