Rep. Delgado Reintroduces Bipartisan Small Farm to School Act

Press Release

Date: Sept. 16, 2021
Location: Rhinebeck, NY

ATHENS, NY -- Today, U.S. Representative Antonio Delgado (NY-19) announced the reintroduction of the bipartisan Small Farm to School Act, which incentivizes partnerships between small farms and local schools. Rep. Delgado was joined by state leaders and representatives from the New York Farm Bureau, National Young Farmers Coalition, and the Coxsackie-Athens School District at Black Horse Farms in Athens, NY.

"The bipartisan Small Farm to School Act is good for our farmers and good for our families," said Rep. Delgado. "We should be looking for every opportunity to support our farmers and small businesses while helping our young people access more nutritious, locally-grown food. This bill will help form new partnerships and support our farmers as we recover from COVID-19 and rebuild our communities."

"New York is an ag state, and we have an incredible opportunity to bring healthier school meals to our children while creating new markets for small farmers and strengthening our local economies at the very same time," said New York State Senate Agriculture Chair Michelle Hinchey. "The farm to school movement is a win across the board, and there are many legislative measures we can move forward at both federal and state levels to make it happen on a wider scale in New York, including Rep. Delgado's Small Farm to School Act. I thank Rep. Delgado for his continued partnership in this space as we work to build a more resilient local food system across our state."

"This legislation will help put the most nutritious and locally-sourced food possible onto the lunch trays of our children. It will provide students with a higher quality, more satisfying meal that their parents can feel good about them eating. Our small, family-operated farms have been the backbone of our communities for generations, so the passage of this bill would be a win-win for both students and local farmers, as well as our greater local economy," said Assemblyman Chris Tague.

Full List of Speakers:

Senator Michelle Hinchey
Assemblyman Chris Tague
Eric Ooms, Vice President of the New York Farm Bureau
Randy Squier, Coxsackie-Athens School District Superintendent
Erika Rincon, National Young Farmers Coalition New York State Campaign Organizer
Lloyd Zimmerman, Owner of Black Horse Farms
