Congresswoman Tenney: Parents, Not D.C. Bureaucrats, Should Make Decisions About Their Children


Date: July 28, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-22) called for the CDC to reverse its anti-science decision recommending vaccinated Americans and K-12 students to wear masks.

"This recent change by the CDC demonstrates once again that federal bureaucrats continue to erode our freedoms, while completely disregarding the facts," said Congresswoman Tenney. "The vaccine works and Americans who want a vaccine can receive one. But it should never be mandated and if they do receive it, they should not then be forced to wear a mask. The vaccine mandates being pushed in New York and elsewhere are unconstitutional. Americans should be able to make their own health care decisions.

"The CDC's director said recently that breakthrough infections that occur in vaccinated Americans can be contagious only in "rare occasions.' The fact is vaccinated Americans are still at significantly less risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19. The science has also consistently demonstrated that children and schools, especially elementary schools, are not significant for transmission.

"This bait and switch by the CDC is a knee-jerk reaction to political pressure from activists, not scientists. It is going to harm our nation's vaccination efforts, not help them. Parents know what is best for their kids, and children two and above should not be forced to wear a mask as the CDC is now recommending."
