Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes in Support of Bipartisan and Bicameral Legislation to Protect Older Workers from Workplace Discrimination


Date: June 23, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congresswoman Moore voted in support of H.R. 2062, the Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act of 2021. In response, she released the following statement:

"Many older adults are not sitting on the beach and relaxing in retirement. Lots of seniors are working multiple jobs, taking care of grandkids, and trying to make ends meet. They need protections in the workplace against discrimination.

Ageism in the workplace deprives older workers of the opportunity to advance in their careers and have gainful employment. Unfortunately, 3 in 5 workers ages 45 and older have seen or experienced age discrimination, according to an AARP survey.

The bill would overturn a 2009 Supreme Court decision that made it more difficult for older workers to prove discrimination by placing a higher burden of proof on them, creating new hoops and hurdles for older workers to speak up when they need to. It would return to the previous standard that had guided such decisions prior to 2009.

I am proud to support this legislation, which will knock down the needless additional hurdles put in front of older workers who simply want to protect their right to a discrimination free workplace."
