Rep. Budd, Lt. Gov Robinson, & State Sen. Edwards Highlight Back to Work Bills

Press Release

Date: June 1, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, U.S. Rep. Ted Budd, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, and State Sen. Chuck Edwards held a press conference to highlight their federal and state legislation to get North Carolinians back to work.

Last week, Rep. Budd introduced HR 3479: the Back to Work Bonus Act, to replace the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation benefits with back-to-work bonuses. His bill has been endorsed by the North Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association and Greater Winston-Salem, Inc..

Sen. Edwards' NC bill is designed to accomplish a similar objective.

Rep. Budd said:

"The current enhanced unemployment system has essentially created a stay at home bonus. We should reverse the incentive and create a temporary back to work bonus instead. Whether it's Washington or Raleigh, North Carolina Republicans are focused on getting folks back to work as quickly as possible."

Lt. Gov. Robinson said:

"We hear from businesses every day who tell us that the biggest problem they currently face is trying to find employees. Democrats want to pay people not to work. This is not only wrong, it harms our small businesses in North Carolina."

State Sen. Edwards said:

"I don't like the precedent of government paying able-bodied people to find a job, but this issue requires a solution. Employers can't hire people because Democrats are paying them not to work, and we've got to fix it."
