Marijuana Banking Bill

Floor Speech

Date: April 19, 2021
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. GOOD of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I rise in opposition to H.R. 1996, the marijuana banking bill. This legislation is about legitimizing and bankrolling the marijuana industry and making legalization inevitable.

It is sad that the House is voting on this bill during a time when our country is seeing increases in addiction, depression, and suicide. Rather than helping victims of despair, we are enhancing the financial benefits for those peddling and profiting off the sale of marijuana.

We are not even directly debating our drug laws. No. We are cowardly debating if we should reward States for undermining the rule of law.

Despite what the swamp says, we don't need recreational marijuana. As recently as 2016, the DEA determined that marijuana should remain a schedule I substance.

I don't care what the lobbyists or talking heads for the marijuana industry like John Boehner say, I care about keeping dangerous substances away from our children and standing for the values I was elected to fight for.

The last thing our country needs is our help facilitating the profitability of addictive, behavior-altering, recreational drug use.

I oppose the bill, and I urge every Member to do the same.

