Feenstra Stands Up for the Unborn, Cosponsors Several Pro-Life Bills in First 100 Days

Press Release

Date: April 15, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

In his first 100 days in Congress, Rep. Randy Feenstra (IA-04) has prioritized standing up for the unborn. In addition to signing on to several pro-life letters and bills, Feenstra has joined the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus -- a group of lawmakers who work together to stand up for policies that defend the unborn and preserve the sanctity of life.

"My faith teaches me that every person is created for a purpose and a reason, and that every person -- both born and unborn -- deserves to be treated with respect and dignity," said Rep. Feenstra. "That is why I am committed to being a voice for the voiceless and a defender of life. I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance pro-life legislation that helps preserve the fundamental right to life."

Feenstra's actions come at a time when the Biden Administration is reversing pro-life policies, including an early move to reinstate the Mexico City Policy which will allow taxpayer money to fund abortion services around the world. There has also been a renewed debate surrounding the Hyde Amendment, which prevents federal dollars from being used for abortions

Yesterday, Feenstra joined his colleagues in signing a discharge petition to force a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which mandates that any infant born alive after an abortion receives the same standard of care as any newborn baby. Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats blocked the effort.

As a staunch supporter of the fundamental right to life, Feenstra has signed on to a number of pro-life letters and bills:


Feenstra signed a letter to congressional leadership in opposition to repealing the Hyde Amendment, which has a history of bipartisan support and currently prevents taxpayer money from being used to fund abortions in the United States. Click here to read the full letter.
He also signed a letter to President Biden, urging the administration to reconsider their repeal of the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PGLHA) policy, also commonly known as the Mexico City Policy. Click here to read the full letter.


H.R. 243, the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act: Prohibits HHS from providing federal family planning grants to entities that perform abortions or provide funds to entities that perform abortions
H.R. 28, the Protecting Life in Crisis Act: Prohibits any funds that are authorized for the purposes of responding to the COVID--19 pandemic from going towards abortions
H.R. 619, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivor Protection Act: Requires medical care for children who survive abortion procedures and imposes strong criminal penalties for failure to provide such care
H.R. 554, the Support and Value Expectant (SAVE) Moms & Babies Act: Prevents the FDA from approving new abortion drugs, prevents the FDA from loosening restrictions for mifepristone and prevents the "dispensing" of drugs through telemedicine
H.R. 541, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act: Prohibits, for a one-year period, Planned Parenthood from accessing any federal mandatory or discretionary funds
H.R. 563, the Protecting Life and Integrity in Research Act: Prohibits taxpayer funded research using fetal tissue obtained from an elective abortion while holding individuals
H.R. 18, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act: Makes permanent the long-standing Hyde Amendment as well as similar provisions banning federal funding of abortion
H.R. 1080, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act: Prohibits any person from performing an abortion on an unborn child who is 20 weeks or older
H.R. 1011, the Life at Conception Act: Declares that life begins at the moment of conception
H.R. 1382, the Informed Consent Act: Criminalizes abortions done without informed consent of the patient
H.R. 705, the Heartbeat Protection Act: Makes it a crime for a physician to perform an abortion without determining if the fetus has a heartbeat

