Golden Votes in Support of Equal Rights Amendment

Press Release

Date: March 17, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Jared Golden (ME-02) voted for a H.J.Res.17 today, legislation that would remove the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). If ratified, the ERA would provide Constitutional protection against discrimination on the basis of sex.

"The U.S. Constitution does not require a deadline for an amendment's ratification by the states, but Congress imposed a deadline when it passed the Equal Rights Amendment in 1972," said Golden. "This deadline is arbitrary and unnecessary. I am proud to cosponsor and vote for this House resolution to allow for full ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to guarantee equal rights under the law, regardless of sex."

The ERA is a proposed amendment to the Constitution that would guarantee equal rights under the law, regardless of sex. The ERA aims to end remaining legal distinctions between men and women in areas such as property, employment, and divorce. In 2018, cases based on sex discrimination made up forty percent of equal employment charges filed in the state of Maine.

Congress initially passed the ERA in 1972, beginning the state ratification process that requires three fourths of the states to ratify the amendment for it to be incorporated into the Constitution. That resolution included a seven-year deadline, which was later extended to 1982. Maine became the 31st state to ratify the amendment in 1974. In January 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA.

The seven-year deadline, set by Congress in 1972 and extended in 1978, is not required by the Constitution.
