Armstrong Votes Against Attacks on 2nd Amendment Rights


Date: March 11, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Guns

Congressman Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) released the following statement on his vote against H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446, two pieces of gun control legislation.

"I will always defend our Second Amendment rights. These bills are radical gun control efforts that infringe on Americans' second amendment rights while doing nothing to stop criminals from obtaining firearms. These bills will make it more difficult for law-abiding North Dakotans to purchase, own, carry, and use a firearm. I am proud to stand with my fellow North Dakota gun owners and vote against these proposals that are dangerous to our way of life," said Congressman Armstrong.

H.R. 8 would criminalize the transfer of firearms between two private citizens and punish law-abiding citizens who are trying to offer someone they know protection and assistance. H.R. 1446, would prolong the process of purchasing a firearm, adding a layer of red-tape and delay for those who need immediate access to a firearm for protection.
