Governor Walz Statement on Signing of American Rescue Plan


By: Tim Walz
By: Tim Walz
Date: March 11, 2021
Location: St. Paul, MN

Governor Tim Walz today released the following statement after President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan that funds a national vaccination plan, delivers immediate relief to working families and small businesses, and provides $350 billion for state and local governments.

"After one of the most challenging years in our Nation's history, The American Rescue Plan is a historic achievement that delivers the support that families and small businesses urgently need to recover and rebuild. The scale of the economic and public health consequences brought by COVID-19 are far beyond the ability of any state or local government to repair alone. Our DFLers in Congress saw the need to work together to help the American people -- and help is now on the way."

"I'm grateful for the Representatives in Minnesota's Congressional Delegation who voted for this plan and acted with the speed and decisiveness this moment requires."
