Sen. Lee Comments on Biden Budget Vote


By: Mike Lee
By: Mike Lee
Date: Feb. 2, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Tuesday after voting against the motion to proceed on a budget resolution:

"The $2 trillion dollar Biden stimulus package that the Democrats are starting to ram through this week has nothing to do with recovery from COVID and everything to do with bailing out and rewarding interest groups."

"A $15 minimum wage is great for Big Tech companies like Amazon, but it is a job killer for small businesses. According to the Congressional Budget Office, a $15 minimum wage would force 1.3 million people out of work. How does killing jobs help the economy?"

"The Biden Bailout also includes over $400 billion for state and local governments. This Biden bailout would go straight to wasteful Democratic states like California that have not been honestly funding their retirement systems for decades."

"I am going to do everything I can this week to make sure that the next COVID spending bill is as fair to Utahns as possible."
