Congressman Steven Horsford Introduces U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021

Press Release

Date: Feb. 18, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Steven Horsford introduced the bicameral U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, the Biden Administration's big, bold, and inclusive vision for immigration reform. This legislation would reverse the damage of the Trump administration's cruel immigration policies and take key steps to protect immigrant families, secure our borders, and better manage migration across the hemisphere.

"As the son of an immigrant, I know the great promise and responsibility that America offers to all those who come here in search of a better life," said Congressman Steven Horsford. "President Biden's U.S. Citizenship Act would end the dehumanization of immigrants and asylum seekers and provide a path to citizenship for hard-working people. This legislation prioritizes smart border controls, protects immigrants from exploitation and abuse, and addresses the root cause of migration. Passing the U.S. Citizenship Act would turn the page on U.S. immigration policy and give Nevada's immigrant communities faith in a just, compassionate immigration system."

The U.S. Citizenship Act would:

Provide Pathways to Citizenship and Strengthen Labor Protections

Create an earned roadmap to citizenship for undocumented individuals;
Keep families together;
Promote immigrant and refugee integration and citizenship;
Grow our economy; and
Protect workers from exploitation and improve the employment verification process.
Prioritize Smart Border Controls

Supplement existing border resources with technology and infrastructure;
Manage the border and protect border communities; and
Crack down on criminal organizations.
Address Root Causes of Migration

Address the underlying caucus of migration;
Improve the immigration courts and protect vulnerable individuals; and
Support asylum seekers and other vulnerable populations.
