Letter to the Hon. Joe Biden, President of the United States, and Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States - Duckworth Joins Warren and Colleagues in Urging the Biden Administration to Establish an Office of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Wellbeing Within the Domestic Policy Council


Dear President Biden and Vice President Harris:

As Senators who share your commitment to advancing the health and wellbeing of people across the country, we write to urge you to establish an Office of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Wellbeing (OSRHW) within the Domestic Policy Council at the White House.

We are deeply appreciative of and encouraged by your administration's commitment to advancing and securing reproductive rights--including the right to access contraception and abortion--as evidenced by your early executive actions.1 We ask now that you build upon these efforts and institutionalize a reproductive justice policy framework, which aims to go beyond securing reproductive rights to more holistically address "the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities," in the White House. 2 Reproductive justice for all means addressing issues of health care access; economic inequality; discrimination based on race, gender identity, and sexual orientation; food security; housing stability; environmental justice; immigrant's rights; disability rights; and so much more.

Securing true reproductive justice is beyond the scope of any one existing executive department. An OSRHW would elevate issues of reproductive justice and ensure a permanent infrastructure to (1) develop a federal strategy for promoting equitable sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing through a human rights, gender and racial equity lens, and (2) better coordinate the actions of the many departments and agencies whose actions in both domestic and foreign policy contexts impact sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing, and the financial and economic welfare, of people in America and around the world. OSRHW would provide America's first ever centralized White House policy office solely dedicated to empowering all people to have not only health care access and the information and resources necessary to make reproductive and child-rearing decisions possible.

In the midst of a pandemic that has disproportionately affected women, LGBTQIA+ individuals, people of color, and people with disabilities, and in the wake of an administration that has implemented public policies that harm these communities at every turn, the comprehensive scope of reproductive health care must be an early priority for the Biden administration. Thank you for your attention to this request. We look forward to working with you to secure reproductive justice for all.


