Bice Statement on Electoral College Vote


Date: Jan. 6, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Elections

Congresswoman Bice released the following statement regarding the electoral college vote:

Today, I will be voting to challenge the electoral votes of certain states to ensure the security of our nation's election process. Unfortunately, some states did not follow their own state election laws, jeopardizing their citizens' confidence in our election process. In my home state of Oklahoma, we conducted a fair and transparent election that should be a model for states across the nation. All Americans deserve to have the same level of confidence that Oklahomans have in our state's electoral system.

While I understand these actions will not alter the outcome of this election, I intend to cast my vote to shine a light on these issues and to ensure the integrity of the nation's elections. As a former state senator, I voted to uphold the security of our 2020 elections, and I will do the same in Congress today. Americans must have a fair and secure voting process."
