Gov. Lujan Grisham statement on federal climate actions


Date: Jan. 27, 2021
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Issues: Environment

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham issued the following statement regarding the Biden administration's climate actions this week, including an executive order released Wednesday. State agencies continue to analyze the full impact of the prospective action outlined by the federal administration.

"It is essential that climate change be prioritized. In the interest of developing a new, more sustainable federal-and-state climate policy that is so urgently needed to protect our planet, a review of all climate-related policies, including energy policies, will ensure we do this right -- across the country and here in New Mexico.

"We will work closely with the Biden Administration to ensure the development of a balanced national policy that acknowledges and incorporates the important lessons from an all-of-the-above energy state like ours, as we work with the industry and develop stringent new methane rules, invest robustly in new renewable infrastructure and resources and enhance the accessibility of solar energy -- and that, crucially, takes into account the individual circumstances and near-term financial reality of states like ours."

"New Mexico knows what it takes to responsibly manage an ambitious, complex and long-term transition and economic and energy diversification effort in a way that protects impacted families and communities and our state bottom line, creates good jobs and strengthens our economy, and gets us to where we absolutely need to be to protect our land, air and water.

"Our administration is reviewing these orders to evaluate the scope of the impact they will have on our state and continue to be in close conversation with leaders in the industry. As I said, I look forward to working with the federal administration to make sure New Mexico is protected and secure."
