Gov. Little launches weekly press briefings on COVID-19 vaccine

Press Release

Date: Dec. 30, 2020
Location: Boise, ID

Governor Brad Little announced today he is directing the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (DHW) to carry out weekly virtual press briefings regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.

"The availability of the safe COVID-19 vaccine is a lifeline in our pandemic fight, and I know there are a lot of questions about vaccine distribution. My administration is committed to transparency and getting out the best information on the vaccine as effectively as possible," Governor Little said.

"We want to make the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine available to as many people as possible as quickly as possible," DHW Director Dave Jeppesen said. "The best way to ensure that is to make sure Idahoans have the most up-to-date information we can provide so they know what to expect and when."

The first virtual COVID-19 vaccine press briefing will be Jan. 5. Media will be able to ask questions and the public can listen and view online. Details about the weekly press briefings, including time and participation details will be shared by DHW prior to each briefing.

The Governor's administration created a clearinghouse of information about the vaccine at
