Issue Position: Defending Immigrant Rights

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Now more than ever, we need to state clearly with our actions that no human being is illegal and that we will treat everyone in our community with dignity and respect. I will work to pass the long-overdue Safe Communities Act to protect our immigrant families in Massachusetts. This will allow members of our communities to stop hiding in the shadows and be able to access law enforcement services without fear. I will also fight to pass the Work and Family Mobility Act that will ensure equal access to driver's licenses regardless of immigration status. This legislation will make sure that families can travel to school and doctor's appointments without fear of deportation and separation and make the roads safer for everyone.

Healthcare is a human right, and should never be restricted on the basis on immigration status. I strongly support HB 162, which would to provide medical care for undocumented children in Massachusetts. It is unconscionable that children brought to Massachusetts to live healthier, safer, better lives should be without proper medical care during a global pandemic. COVID-19 serves as a harsh reminder of why every child deserves health care.
