Issue Position: Advocating for Public Education and Educators

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Education

We need to tackle the rising achievement gap in Massachusetts by ensuring that quality of education is not determined by zip code. The Student Opportunities Act was an important step towards increasing opportunities for low-income students. In the Statehouse, I'll work to continue efforts to provide support for all types of learners in every part of the state.

We need universal pre-k to give every child in our state a good start towards educational success and we need to put an end to high stakes testing especially during these times when technological gaps are disproportionately impacting students who have difficulty participating in remote learning.

Young minds need not just stellar classroom teachers but robust support outside the classroom. I am honored to be endorsed by the National Association of Social Workers. Social workers play a crucial role in our schools, especially with their work on behalf of vulnerable students.
