Issue Position: On Workers' Rights: Championing Fair Wages for Fair Work

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

I am fighting hard for the rights of workers to get fair treatment in the workplace. We all have a right to equal pay for an equal day's work. I fought to increase the minimum wage, because employees who work 40 hours a week should earn a salary that allows them to afford food and shelter, instead of one that currently qualifies those at the lowest end for public assistance benefits. I was instrumental in the passage of the unemployment insurance reform bill, that will give most small businesses a break in their premiums to help fund increased wages to low-paid workers. And I led the bi-partisan fight for Uniform Wage Compliance, a new law that gives minimum wage workers the same rights as everyone else to enforce claims if they are not paid. I am against covenants not to compete as long as secrets are protected. My current legislation will create a program that will provide for Paid Family & Medical Leave that is fair for both the employers and the employees. I not only talk about these issues, I have demonstrated a commitment to supporting fair treatment for workers
