Issue Position: Investing in Northshire Families

Issue Position

Support Working Families: Hardworking Vermonters need -- and deserve -- livable wages, affordable housing in the "missing middle" price range, high-quality affordable childcare and paid family leave.
Invest in Education: All students should have access to outstanding public education for grades pre-K through 12. In our region, we're lucky to have a diverse mix of public and independent schools that offer families a truly unique range of choices. That's an educational and economic asset we must work hard to protect.
Support Postsecondary Education: Develop our workforce -- and help keep young people here in Vermont -- by making college more affordable. Promote high-demand career paths in skilled technical or occupational fields through apprenticeships, certifications and licensure.
Support our Rural Economy: Update Act 250 in a way that protects our environment while promoting "smart growth" in designated downtowns and neighborhoods. Invest in targeted sectors like tourism, outdoor recreation and clean energy.
Support Small Businesses: Provide entrepreneurs and business owners with state-funded technical assistance, counseling and resources to help them plan, pivot and compete in our changing economy.
Universal Broadband: Universal access to high-speed Internet is crucial for rural development, a thriving economy and effective education.
Affordable Healthcare: Affordable healthcare should be a right for every Vermonter, not a privilege dependent on how much you earn or an employer's ability to provide it.
Addiction Services: To deal effectively with the opioid crisis, access to substance-abuse prevention, treatment and long-term recovery programs must be improved statewide.
Mental Health Services: Vermonters need expanded and improved mental health treatment facilities, services and programs.
