Issue Position: Public Safety

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Houston firmly believes in protecting and giving back to the law enforcement officers who have selflessly accepted the call to serve our community. Houston is proud to have been endorsed by the sheriffs of Barrow, Jackson, and Oconee counties, and is committed to ensuring they have an ally in the General Assembly who will fight for the resources they need to keep us safe.

Houston is strongly opposed to open borders, and supports conservative leaders who are committed to defunding sanctuary cities and deporting violent criminal illegal aliens.

Houston also knows our public safety concerns are not limited to the problems at the border. We need more resources for school safety, more robust training for mental health crises, and a better working partnership between our community, schools, and local law enforcement. Most especially, we need better pay and benefits for the law enforcement officers who are at the front lines of protecting our communities and keeping our families safe.

As the grandson of a superior court judge, Houston is also a believer in Governor Deal's criminal justice reforms that have prioritized jailing violent offenders while providing community and professional support to rehabilitation facilities and juvenile centers that partner with our technical colleges to train inmates. Houston will continue to support punishing society's worst criminals while providing a path for rehabilitated inmates to find a job and become contributing members of society after serving their time.
