Issue Positions: Fair Election System

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Elections

Empowers voters to opt-in to vote by mail for future elections

Properly trains and staffs all polling locations

Allows for same-day voter registration

Ensures the most secure and auditable method to vote

As an attorney, I have a fiduciary duty to serve with my client's best interests in mind. Government should function in the same regard. Our 2018 election was the boldest form of modern-day voter suppression, and matters have only worsened since then. With continued efforts to gatekeep voting by mail, remove voters from the rolls, and millions invested in new machines that cybersecurity experts agree put our elections at risk, we need leaders who will prioritize the integrity of our democracy over their desire for power and personal political gain. Of all the reasons to ensure that Democrats have a majority in the State House, the most important is 2021 redistricting in response to the 2020 Census. With a singular party holding the majority in both of our chambers, there is no pathway to fight gerrymandering effectively, and Republicans will have the advantage for the following decade.
