Issue Position: LGBTQ+ Rights

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

We must build a society where all people are truly free. We must be free to love who we want to love and we must be free to express our gender how we choose. LGBTQ+ New Yorkers -- especially transgender people -- have faced serious discrimination, hate, and barriers in accessing basic necessities like healthcare and housing. It's time to end this oppression once and for all.

That's why I am fighting to:

Ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals receive the medical care that they deserve. I will fight to pass the New York Health Act and ensure that LGBTQIA people have the right to free universal healthcare, including vital services like reassignment surgery, hormonal treatment, and PrEP.
Decriminalize sex work. We must protect the rights of sex workers and uplift the lives of the many transgender people who are disproportionately represented in the industry, by passing A8230 and repealing the Walking While Trans Ban by passing A654.
Build 20,000 units of supportive housing for those leaving the shelter system, which is important for the most vulnerable in the LGBTQ+ community.
Allow transgender and non-binary New Yorkers to get government documents, like drivers licenses and birth certificates that reflect their gender identity, by passing the Gender Recognition Act.
Require state and local correctional facilities to respect the gender identities of inmates, by passing A5207.
