Issue Position: Schools

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: K-12 Education

I Am Proud To Be Endorsed By The NYS Teachers' Union.
As the son of a public school teacher and proud graduate of the Rochester City School District, education is a priority for me. Every child in New York State is entitled to a quality education through their local district regardless of one's zip code. That education should support their health in all facets, from academic to physical to social-emotional. A full education will set our children up for being successful later in life.

As a State Senator, my role will be to ensure both our urban and suburban school districts get their fair share from Albany, which is not the case right now. This means we are paying more in local taxes because our schools are continually underfunded from the state. I will do everything possible to prevent devastating cuts to programs and teachers/aides, giving our educators the resources they need to provide for our students.
