Issue Position: Our Schools

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: K-12 Education

A good education is the surest path to a secure future. Our state needs to provide all schools with the resources they need to thrive. Decades of underfunding have kept too many young people from reaching their full potential and enjoying rewarding careers.

Our local schools and universities are facing tremendous financial and operational challenges during this pandemic. The safety of students, teachers, and staff is critical. We know our students will need more support, not less, as they rise to the challenges of learning in new ways through this pandemic. Our state government has a responsibility to ensure an excellent education for every child, no matter their zip code. Throughout the 55th Senate District, our schools are already owed over $100 million in education funding. We must send a fighter who understands the value of education to Albany to get our fair share of funding for public schools and quality child care.
