Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Minnesota's uninsured rate is climbing and thousands more have insurance they can barely afford or use, with high premiums and high deductibles. I believe all Minnesotans deserve access to affordable quality care for themselves and their families. As your legislator, I will continue to work towards:

Implementing the MinnesotaCare Buy-In Program to give consumers an affordable and trusted public option.

Protecting coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, and put families and consumers first ahead of powerful insurance companies.

Protecting women's health choices and ensuring that women's care remains between her and her doctor -- not employers, politicians and bureaucrats.

Holding Big Pharma accountable for the opioid crisis that is devastating families.

Working to lower the cost of lifesaving prescription drugs, like insulin and Epipiens.

Working with advocates to ensure our seniors are safe from abuse and neglect.
