Issue Position: Other Issues

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Improving our water and wastewater systems. The majority of this infrastructure is outdated and on the verge of collapse. It is imperative that we make the investments needed to ensure clean, high-quality water to each and every person.
As an avid hunter and firearms enthusiast, Derek will defend our 2nd amendment right to bear arms- it shall not be infringed.
Support Pro-Life legislation in our state.
Work to protect and fund our state retirement systems and the pensions belonging to teachers, police, and other state workers. Promises were made, they should be kept.
Promoting fiscal responsibility and government transparency while reducing our state debt.
Listening to what teachers want and need. For too long, teachers have been told what they want and need by politicians, when it should be the other way around. Derek supports giving teachers more freedom in their classrooms to actually teach.
Planning with local school districts to find ways to utilize their budgets to decrease costs, such as geothermal, direct drive LED lighting, solar power, and natural gas.
