Issue Position: Medicare For All and Healthcare in New York

Issue Position

The United States is the wealthiest country in the world, yet we're also the only country where millions of people lack access to quality healthcare because they can't afford to pay.
I believe that healthcare is a human right and that every person deserves access to the care they need at every stage of life. In my first term, we passed my bill, the CCCA, which guarantees that all insurers make low-cost birth control accessible.

Additionally, we finally codified Roe v. Wade, solidifying abortion and reproductive health care as rights of all New Yorkers.

As your State Senator, I will fight for:

The passage of the New York Health Act to ensure that every New Yorker has health insurance regardless of ability to pay
Funding for long-term care so our seniors can stay healthy and be cared for in their homes and communities, and so that those who care for them can earn a living wage.
Increased access to mental health services so that every New Yorker can flourish, and so that people with psychiatric disabilities can be protected, instead of warehoused in homeless shelters and jails
A healthcare system that covers every New Yorker, including undocumented immigrants
Universal long-term care, enabling seniors to age in dignity. This will also create quality jobs for home care workers and domestic workers as demand for a rapidly growing care workforce increases
