Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: K-12 Education

As a son of two school teachers, and a teacher myself, quality education for all Missouri children will always be one of my top priorities. As a teacher I understand that the best education always starts at home, and truly begins at birth; which is why I am a strong supporter of paid family leave policies that allow parents adequate time to care for and bond with their child in the most critical hours. Today there are counties in our state without a single licensed daycare, and where children have no access to early education. Moreover, the state of Missouri does not require public schools to provide free, full-day kindergarten. While our national conversation continues to address the soaring cost of college tuition, we've got to start earlier here in Missouri, and make sure every child, regardless of their zip code, has the opportunity to begin their educational journey at the same time. Solving this educational inequality is a bi-partisan objective, and will be one of my first priorities.
