Issue Position: Public Safety & Policing

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

In my district, policing is one of residents' main concerns. People in my district want to feel safe in their community, but there is also a very real understanding that police are sometimes a source of harm, as the murder of George Floyd made all too clear. In my conversations with residents, I hear that people want the police to be better community partners and to treat them with respect regardless of the color of their skin. The people of color in my district feel as if their children are treated like targets or threats rather than kids to be protected.

I believe in divesting from the police department and investing in our community to make us safe by ensuring stable housing, accessible healthcare, and an excellent public education for everyone. We must divest away from systems of violence, racism, and white supremacy to reach a more just society. I know that our communities can be kept safe without resorting to lethal force and guns. Instead we must use our resources to invest in social services, public education, living wage jobs, and other anti-poverty measures. We can support those struggling with mental health issues and addiction rather than harming them. We can rebuild a world where we're all looking out for each other. And even in potentially threatening confrontations, we can have a system of protection that focuses on de-escalation and rather than relying on violence. This is what will lead to better public safety and community wellness.
