Issue Position: Sensible Gun Laws That Save Lives

Issue Position

By: Jo Hoye
By: Jo Hoye
Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Guns

We need to do more to keep guns out of the hands of people with dangerous histories by building bipartisan efforts to:

Support background checks on all gun sales
The Federal Government requires background checks at all federally licensed gun dealers but not on unlicensed sales at gun shows or online. Background checks have stopped over 3.5 million sales to prohibited purchasers since 1994. Kansas must close the gun show loophole.

Pass a red flag law
Family and law enforcement are the first to know when a person is in crisis or at risk of hurting themselves or others, and most mass shooters show signs before they commit a crime. A red flag law allows for the temporary removal of firearms through an Extreme Risk Protection Order and due process. Red flag laws save lives.

Keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers
The Kansas legislature overwhelmingly passed our state's first Domestic Violence law in 2018, which keeps guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, and it was signed into law by Governor Colyer. I worked tirelessly with the Kansas team of Moms Demand Action volunteers to support this bill that will save lives. However, there still needs to be an enforcement mechanism so that domestic abusers are required to relinquish the guns that they may already have to law enforcement for as long as they are prohibited from possessing them.

Reinstate permits and training
Guns in the hands of untrained people do not make us safer. Kansas should pass a law that requires a permit and training for carrying a concealed weapon.

Educate families on safe gun storage
Children and teenagers should never have unsupervised access to firearms. As a parent and a gun owner, I practice responsible gun ownership. Guns should be stored locked, unloaded, and separate from ammunition.

Reverse guns on campus policy
Our state government should not force public universities to have to allow hidden, loaded guns on their campuses.

Oppose dangerous gun laws
I will continue working to prevent our gun laws from being rolled back. I oppose bills to arm teachers or lower the age to carry hidden, loaded guns from 21 to 18.
