Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Education

The number one thing we can do for economic development is to provide a well-educated workforce. The current funding formulas for education ensure metro Atlanta systems are flush with cash and leave rural systems holding the bag.

Rural Georgians can't tax themselves into education prosperity.

Blake has ideas on reforming education funding through a more fair sales tax instead of the property tax mechanism. While this may take years to research and come up with specific policy and legislative proposals, immediate measures must be taken to make sure teachers are able to do what they most desire to do . . . teach.

Senator Lindsey Tippens (R -- Cobb County) has proposed a bill reducing the number of standardized tests. This is an area where Blake believes metro and rural legislators can agree and work as a team to make our education system work better for our children.

Blake believes our local school boards are in the best position to determine testing requirements, teacher qualifications, and size and scope of classes.

We need Blake Tillery!
If we elect Blake Tillery, he will listen to our teachers, parents and administrators then come up with innovative solutions to move our education system forward. Let's elect Blake.

We have to find a way to get our classroom teachers free from paperwork so they can do what they love…teach our kids!

When we allow teachers to teach, make sure parents and administrators support their efforts, and challenge our kids, they will learn more and have a better chance at success.

This is our future. We have to get this right!

Blake knows we have to do a better job of educating our children. Currently Federal and State money comes with strings attached causing teachers and administrators to spend their days meeting the requirements of the strings rather than focusing on the needs of the children.

Whatever we do for education, this funding issue will have to be addressed.
