Issue Position: Corporate Accountability

Issue Position

Madinah believes that Delaware's political leaders should represent the people of Delaware. But for too long, our government has done more to protect corporations than working people. The time has come for a government by and for the people, not the corporations.

Delaware has a unique responsibility to reign in corporate power. Corporations choose Delaware as their home state due to its lax corporate laws, which makes our state a haven for corporate abuses but gives us the opportunity to use our hugely influential corporate law to hold corporations accountable.

End corporate welfare
Stop giving taxpayer money away to corporations without any guaranteed investment in our community.
Require agencies arranging corporate welfare be subject to FOIA to increase transparency.
Increase accountability over public-private partnerships to make sure that residents get the benefits that they are promised.
Increase corporate transparency
Increase transparency by requiring beneficial ownership disclosure, and push for a national database.
Get rid of the holding company loophole to end Delaware's international reputation as a haven for tax evasion and money laundering.
Push our delegation to pass the 28th amendment
Clarify that money is not speech and corporations shouldn't drown out the people's voice.
Confirm that corporations aren't people.
